Generatepress Theme Customization CSS Code: To customize the GeneratePress theme and achieve a Marketer Theme design, CSS can be used effectively. Below is a sample CSS snippet tailored for GeneratePress, allowing you to add a custom touch to various elements like the Home/Blog Page, Sidebar and footer:

Marketer Theme Customization: Additional CSS Code

Copy this CSC code and paste it on the Additional CSS option.

Using this class read-more-bt on button

Copy Code Button
/* GeneratePress Site CSS */ .sidebar .widget, .container-widget { box-shadow: rgba(23, 43, 99, 0.3) 0 6px 18px; border-radius: 4px; } /*Button Style*/ .read-more-bt, a.button, .pagination-bt, .wp-block-search__button, input[type="submit"] { font-size: 14px; padding: 10px 25px; transition: 0.5s; background-size: 200% auto; box-shadow: rgba(23, 43, 99, 0.3) 0 7px 28px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #1fd1bf 0, #07b0a2 51%, #1fd1bf 100%); border-radius: 50px; } .read-more-bt:hover, a.button:hover, input[type="submit"]:hover, .pagination-bt:hover, .wp-block-search__button:hover { background-position: right center; color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } /*Attachment Image Style*/ .attachment-full { box-shadow: rgba(23, 43, 99, 0.3) 0 7px 28px; border-radius: 25px; } #wp-block-search__input-1 { border-radius: 5px; border: 0px; } /* End GeneratePress Site CSS */

Site Footer

Copy this code and paste it on Site Footer Elements

Code Copy with Preview

Sidebar Widgets

Copy this code and paste it on Sidebar Widgets Elements.

Code Preview & Copy
<!-- wp:generateblocks/container {"uniqueId":"356d0541","isDynamic":true,"blockVersion":3,"display":"flex","flexDirection":"column","rowGap":"20px"} -->
<!-- wp:generateblocks/container {"uniqueId":"d8499018","isDynamic":true,"blockVersion":3,"marginTop":"10","marginBottom":"10","paddingTop":"20","paddingRight":"20","paddingBottom":"20","paddingLeft":"20","className":"container-widget"} -->
<!-- wp:search {"label":"Search","showLabel":false,"placeholder":"Search....","buttonText":"Search"} /-->
<!-- /wp:generateblocks/container -->


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